Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Search Continues

I love art! Especially whimsical art. And recently a friend of mine told me about these adorable dolls she saw on the internet. Now I don't know who the artist is. Neither did my friend. But I am determined to find out more about this very talented creator of the dolls. These dolls are just the cutest thing. So simple yet colorful and elegant.And would make a great gift for just about anyone. Including Moi! So the Search Begins! Google me Crazy =) Update: The creator of these dolls is none other than Dolly Mommas by Joey.


J said...

here ya go.

Kinda makes you wonder if I'm a God or something doesn't it? Found it in 23 seconds.

Cersten said...

yay! whoo-hoo! Thanks a bunches Jamie =)

J said...

No problem.
You are too busy lately.