Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

Cheers to you Dahlings!

Well soon it will be all over....Say goodbye to 2004 and hello to '05! I'am so ready for this year to be over with. It was a year of tremendous celebrated highs and implausible lows for me and my family. To almost lose a parent was not easy to deal with. We all suffered alot in the end. Luckily, things are trying to get back to normal. And hopefully they will be in the new year. As for my plans this evening. For the first time in 7 years I will be spending it alone with family. Which isn't a bad thing. I'm actually loooking forward to it. I don't need to be out and about putting up with drunk, rude, people, looking to pick fights. No-no-no....I don't need that. I think I'll be just fine having a nice dinner and watching some television.
Happy New Year!!!!


jericmiller said...

was there anything good
lovely attitude, by the way.
it's what keeps me coming back.

J said...

I was all set to make my usual jokes and whatnot and then you break serious on me.
I hope you had a lovely evening.

Let me know when I can start flingin pies again.

Cersten said...

lol... sorry for the seriousness. Sometimes this upbeat positive gal has her ugly moments.

And no there wasn't much on tv. Did enjoy the Three Stooges marathon. Nuck Nuck Nuck =)