Friday, March 16, 2007

5 Things Which Made You Happy Today

1. The weather was picture perfect today
2. Found a great sale at the mall today
3. Spent with day with friends and family
4. Had lunch at a really great cafe
5. Had a nice relaxing nite at home with no fuss

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bridging the Music's Gender Gap

WOW! Have you been to this site? Daisy Rock Guitars
Finally a company that makes guitars by women for women to use. They know just what a rocker chick wants in a guitar. Way Cool!

Friday, February 02, 2007

5 Tv Shows I've been watching lately

1. Footballers Wives: Overtime

2. Hereos

3. CSI

4. Extras

5. My Name is Earl

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Must Have For All Doctor Who Fans!

Just released this week. Doctor Who The Complete Season Two DVD is a must have for any fan. David Tennant is just the best doctor. I found this season to be much much better than season 1. Though sad to see this would be the last to see Billie Piper who played Rose Tyler gone after the season finale. Its not fair but sometimes change is for the best. Only great things will come. And I know Season Three will be ever better and more exciting.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Loving the new Doctor Who 2006 series

Okay so I was alittle upset that they added a new doctor. I guess I was one of the few that liked Christopher Eccleston as the 9th doctor on the acclaim BBC series Doctor Who. But after seeing David Tennant as the 10th doctor in the second season. I'am totally hooked! He adds so much character and personally to the show. I really don't know why they didnt get him to begin with. The stories seem much better and so far(only 4 episodes have been shown on Sci-fi) there seems to be more action taking place.
Now I've got to remember that second season is set for DVD release in Jan. 2007. Woo-hoo a must have for sure.

How odd is this?
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Will This Heat Ever End?

Geez! Talk about being in a heatwave! Oklahoma has had 33 days of over 100 degree temperatures. Now given the record is 50 which was set in 1980. But enough is enough. This heat is so bad already 26 people have died. I know some people just love the heat. But not me! No sir! Iam such a wimp when it comes to hot weather. And this heat is no exception. Its so bad that not a day goes by that I dont wake up feeling sick to my stomach or having some sort of bad headache. And when it gets this hot there's nothing I can do but stay indoors and stay close to the ac. There's no way anyone can function in 106 degree weather. If they say they are they are lying.
Also This week alot of high schools started back. My heart goes out to those young kids. Nothing worse then going back to school in this heat and the air conditoners don't work. Or only put out little to no air. Don't you think somebody could've checked them out say a week before the kids arrived for the first day of school.
Anyway i pray that this heatwave will be over soon. And the relief will come. It better cause Alaska is looking pretty darn good to me right about now.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Put this under What Are They Thinking???

What in world made someone think that people would actually want to go to the theatres to see a Lord of the Rings play? Really how stupid. When I first heard about this on the Conan O'Brien show. I thought he was just making it up. Noooo! It's true... And now there's a "Urban Cowboy" musical coming out. Gee, talk about broadway going downhill. What ever happened to being original?