Sunday, July 24, 2005

Dog Days of Summer is Here

Yuck! Can it be any hotter? This heat wave we've been having is just unbearable! I've never been able to handle extreme heat. My perfect weather is when it's in the 70's...Smiles....With a slight overcast. Ahhh wishful thinking. I know. So How does one beat the heat? Make it through these Dog Days of Summer? I know I could stay close by the pool. But you couldn't pay me enough to goto a local swimming pool filled with bratty, rude, and noisy children. Whose parents aren't watching them. And doesn't seem to care either. Bad enough I have to put up with them at the malls. Gee can't ya tell I don't have kids....Ha Ha ha!

Stay Cool and Have a Great Summer

1 comment:

Cersten said...

No I didn't know that! Very useful information TY. Isn't Sirius also that satellite radio station you can buy?

Hope you are keeping cool =)