Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Count Down To Christmas with Holiday Movies

One of the things I like most about the Christmas season is watching some favorite holiday movies. Nothing like a good holiday movie to get one in the holiday spirit. Right! Well here is my top ten movies that I have to watch. Some old and some are so new that I think I'll make them a holiday tradition.

10. How The Grinch Stole Christmas~~~ jim carrey version

9. Jack Frost

8. The Nightmare Before Christmas

7. It's a Wonderful Life

6. White Christmas

5. A Christmas Story

4. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

3. Bad Santa ~~~ Billy bob Thornton

2. Elf~~~Will Ferrell

1. The Hebrew Hammer..... Have you seen this? OMG! This is one hilarious movie. Actor Adam Goldberg plays a jewish private detective who has to take on a snippy anti-Semite played by (Andy Dick) who murders Santa Claus in order to turn Christmas into a Jew-hating holiday. The fate of saving Hanukkah rests on his shoulders. Funny Funny Funny! I luv it!!!!!

Happy Holidays

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